Google has made medicine easier to understand, and has been a godsend for someone who doctors have secretly wanted to shut up , for years.

This is a collection of thyroid knowledge nuggets, collected over the years. I have tried to put everything here. Sometimes it may appear to be too much. :-)

Comments, brickbats, tomatoes (non-BT) and eggs (non-BT) welcome.

Shoes most unwelcome.

Just added !

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hypothyroid vs Hyperthyroid

You often hear about someone being HYPOTHYROID or HYPERTHYROID.

This picture shows , at a glance , what all this HYP is all about :-)

We know that the Thyroid gland controls the body's metabolism processes at the cellular level. Its like the thyroid maintains a stable "rpm's (revolutions per minute)" for our body, keeping all our various bodily systems in a wonderful dynamic balance. When this balance is disturbed, either your metabolism can slow down, and sometimes it may also speed up. In the former case, one is supposed to have become HYPOTHYROID, and in the latter case HYPERTHYROID.

Since so many bodily functions are dependent on this metabolism, these HYPO and HYPER states, readily translate into symptoms you and I can observe, and which can show up in any system/part of your body.