Google has made medicine easier to understand, and has been a godsend for someone who doctors have secretly wanted to shut up , for years.

This is a collection of thyroid knowledge nuggets, collected over the years. I have tried to put everything here. Sometimes it may appear to be too much. :-)

Comments, brickbats, tomatoes (non-BT) and eggs (non-BT) welcome.

Shoes most unwelcome.

Just added !

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Some interesting sites with details

When I first started looking for information on the thyroid, one site consistently attracted my attention. Mary Shomon, and her site MARY SHOMON is a patient advocate, Founder/Editor of and Sticking Out Our Necks, and author of a number of health-related books. She has Hashimoto's Thyroiditis ( an autoimmune disease) and hypothyroidism, and has tried to turn her situation into something positive by helping inform and empower others with chronic health conditions This is like a Mother thyroid site, with several links to newsletters you can join and receive; reviews about thyroid books , medications, diets, doctors, and so on.

As of June 2010, there is a free thyroid ebook download available on her site, which could be of interest to women.

Dr Pramod Vora of Mumbai has another innovative holistic approach to the problem of hypothyroidism, and his solutions are inrtriguing.

Read about his approach here.